Election Officers

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Culpeper County Election Officer!

  • There are elections every year in Culpeper County. However, you can “opt-out” when necessary.
  • Each election day is a 15+ hour commitment.
  • Not every Election Officer will be needed for EVERY election. Some elections are larger or smaller than others.
  • Every Election Officer receives a stipend for each election. Increased stipends come with future promotions.
  • All Election Officers must remain in their assigned precinct during Election Day unless other arrangements have been made.
  • After your application is received and your voter registration is verified, you will receive a follow-up email from the Culpeper County Office of Elections.  

Serving as an Election Officer is a rewarding way to get involved and improve the quality of life to your community.

Please complete the Election Officer interest form and we will contact you directly.

For more information, you can review these details about serving as an Election Officer.


Election Officer Training


This page will be updated to include the latest training information and Election Day guidance documents. If you have any questions about any of these documents, please contact the office.

Election Officer Training (Virginia Department of Elections)

Election Day Guide (Virginia Department of Elections – February 2024)

What Ifs Guide (Virginia Department of Elections – December 2023)

List of Acceptable IDs Voters Can Use to Check In

ELECTION WORKER PORTAL:  https://trigonroad.com/ew/signin.cfm 

Please see the supporting documents below for training resources specific to Culpeper County.