A designated amount of funds will be applied to a Culpeper County or Town family or individual’s Culpeper County Parks & Recreation (CCPR) account to be used to participate in an activity hosted by Culpeper County Parks & Recreation.
Qualifying Criteria
- Recreation Scholarships are available to Culpeper County or Town Residents of any age.
- Recreation Scholarships will be distributed once the Access Assistance Program Application has been completed and all documentation submitted, and approved.
- Applicants must submit the application and show a copy of the most recent Federal AND State Tax Return.
- Recreation Scholarships will be available on a first come first served basis, as funds allow.
- Recreation Scholarships applications are valid for the current fiscal year – July 1st – June 30th.
- Approvals will be based on Federal SNAP criteria.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a Culpeper County Parks & Recreation coordinated activity.
- Applicant / family member must meet the age requirements listed in the activity description.
- Activity must still have spaces open for registration.
- Membership fees to CCPR facilities (i.e., Culpeper County Fieldhouse).
- Facility Rentals, Trips, and Activities classified as a “Fundraiser” (including Wicked Bottom Cross Country 5K & ½ Mile Fun Run, Culpeper Cycling Century, and any other activities created in the future designated as Fundraiser).
- Any additional supplies, equipment, or memberships that are needed or required for participation in the activity or additional fees paid directly to the instructor are not eligible.
- Any activity or event that is sponsored by CCPR but is hosted / coordinated by an outside organization, is not eligible.