Youth Sports Financial Aid


Many Youth Sports Leagues in Culpeper County are operated by independent organizations, but are still excellent recreational opportunities for the community youth. As such, Culpeper County Parks & Recreation wants to ensure that youth of all financial means are able to participate.

The YSFA will provide a designated amount of funds to be used to register for one (1) sport per season (Fall, Winter, and Spring). Please note that the Summer Season is excluded.  For qualifying league information including registration deadlines, program ages, etc., please review the Cover Letter & YSFA Application at the bottom of this page.

Qualifying Criteria

  1. YSFA are only available to youth (under age 18) residents of Culpeper County or Town.
  2. YSFA will be distributed once the Access Assistance Program Application has been completed and all documentation submitted, and approved.
  3. Applicants must submit the YSFA Application and show a copy of the most recent Federal AND State Tax Return.
  4. YSFA will be available on a first come first served basis, as funds allow.
  5. YSFA applications are valid for the current fiscal year – July 1st – June 30th.
  6. Approvals will be based on Federal SNAP criteria.
  7. YSFA will allow a youth to participate in one (1) sport per season; Fall, Winter, or Spring.  Please note that the Summer Season is excluded.    

Associations / Leagues Included

Associations / Leagues Excluded Activities

  • Academy and/or Travel Leagues
  • Leagues that have less than 70% of their participants from the County or Town.