West Farifax District

Gary Deal - West Fairfax District


Gary M. Deal, Vice Chairman


Phone: (540) 219-8835

Supervisor Deal serves at the current Vice Chairman and proudly served as Chairman of the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors for four years.  He has served West Fairfax District since 2016 and served two years on the Culpeper County Planning Commission prior to his election to the Board.  He is a Culpeper native, retired as a Loudoun County Engineering Manager after sixteen years, and worked with VDOT for twenty-four years.  

Supervisor Deal is passionately involved with the youth of the community through recreation, education and leadership.  He has volunteered and coached the youth of Culpeper in Tennis and Basketball since 1983.  Through County Parks and Rec he has lead his Youth Tennis and Basketball Camps for the past (8) years.  Mr. Deal, along with his Board of Supervisor counterparts have recently championed numerous educational and recreational facilities, including the new County Fieldhouse and the upcoming Public Pool.

Supervisor Deal serves on the Building & Grounds Committee, as Ex-Offico on the Recreation Advisory Committee, and High Growth Coalition. Supervisor Deal services as Alternate on Public Works,  Rules, CEDAC, Career Partners and Human Services Board.

Supervisor Deal enjoys golf, tennis and pickleball.  Most of all he enjoys coaching and mentoring youth advocating for them to find passion in their lives.  He is married to Melissa Deal of 22 years, who is a social worker at The Culpeper. 

Mr. Deal's term expires December 31, 2027.