Human Services Board

Purpose and Duties

To be a leader with other community partners, to promote self-reliance and provide protection and support to enable individuals and families to fulfill their potential

Length of Term

4 Years

Term Limitations

There is a limit of 2 consecutive terms. After 2-years, past members can apply to serve again.

Meeting Time and Place

Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:00 PM at 1835 Industry Drive, Culpeper, VA.

Human Services Board Members
Members Term Expires
John Cerio 12/31/2025
Jason B. Smith 12/31/2025
Steven L. Walker 12/31/2026
Marilyn J. Dunphy 12/31/2026
Jean Payne 12/31/2027
Charles A. Stein 12/31/2027
Rev. Bradley Joseph Hales         12/31/2028
Vassanthi Griffis 12/31/2028
Lisa Peacock Director of Human Services
Gary M. Deal Board of Supervisors
David E. Durr Alternate


Members must be sworn in.

Staff Coordinator

Melissa Wilson

Appointment Process

Members are interviewed by the County Personnel Committee and appointed by the Board of Supervisors