Planning Commission


The Culpeper County Planning Commission is an appointed nine member body charged with advising the Board of Supervisors on all matters related to the orderly growth and development of the County.

Purpose and Duties

The Planning Commission’s responsibilities include providing recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for Special Permits, Special Exceptions, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and other related land development issues.  The Planning Commission updates the Comprehensive Plan on a periodic basis and prepares text amendment changes to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances upon its own initiative or by the Board of Supervisors’ direction.

Length of Term

The Commissioners are appointed to serve four-year terms.

Term Limitations

There are no term limitations.

Meeting Time and Place

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the County Administration Building, 302 N. Main St., Culpeper, VA.

Members Term Expires
Raymond D. Zegley 12/31/2025
Catherine (Katie) Reames 12/31/2025
Keith D. Price 12/31/2025
Walter W. Burton 12/31/2027
Lance Kilby 12/31/2027
Sanford Reaves, Jr. 12/13/2027
Cinthia K. Thornhill 12/31/2028
Eli Eggborn  12/31/2028
Mark Wilkes  12/31/2028


Staff Coordinator

Sam McLearen, Director of Planning and Zoning

Appointment Process

Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors.