Virginia Bill of Rights
Crime Victim and Witness Rights Act
If you are a crime victim and have suffered physical, psychological, or economic harm as a direct result of any of the following crimes: any felony, assault and battery, stalking, sexual battery, attempted sexual battery, or driving while intoxicated, you may be entitled to:
1. Protection
- From further harm and threats of harm
- Waiting area separate from the accused during court proceedings
2. Financial Assistance
- Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund
- Restitution for damages or loss
- Prompt return of property being held as evidence
3. Notification
- Case status information
- Employer intercession services
- Prisoner release notification
4. Victim Input
- Victim Impact Statement
- Courtroom presence during trial
- Parole input for crimes occurring prior to 1/1/1995
- Plea Agreement Consultation
5. Courtroom Assistance
- Confidentiality of address and telephone numbers
- Interpreter services
- Closed preliminary hearing in limited situations
- Use of two way closed circuit television in limited situations